This is a Blog briefly touching basis on people who have had impacts on my Past, Present, and for some of them hopefully Future. Some as you will read have faded out of my life with time. Others still walk around or within it.
Just like any beginning we go back to my early childhood. I think I was around three, and I had met my first friend. Her name was Megan, and we had a lot in common. For one we both had Care bears!
What ever we were doing those Care Bears were at our side. A symbol of our friendship. Sometimes her little sister would play with us. We gladly included her at times depending on the game we were playing. However we were older and wanted time to play our own stuff by ourselves.
A little time had passed and another family had moved in. Quite large to say the least and while they lived there they only got bigger. Though at the time they moved in they had only four children, and only one was a girl and around I and Megan's age.

Our duo became a trio and our range of where we could play expanded. Always under the careful watch of one parent of other. After all we were only about four I would imagine. We lived in Orem a small city full of orchards. Our neighborhood was safe for young kids at least during the day. At night the teenagers were out of control with the night games.
I remember our friendship remained solid through Kindergarten. At least mine and Megan's. The third party was very charismatic and had made other friends in which sometimes we would play too.
By first grade Megan's dad had been promoted or found another job in Denver Colorado. I never really saw or heard from her again.
By than the neighborhood kids in my area had formed sort of a pack. If we weren't in two's at one friends house. We were together playing hide n seek, kick the can, and other such games.
Around that same time of the age of four or five I formed a friendship with another girl. This one my cousin. Brittany. I remember when we would drive up to see them in SLC at their apartment being all excited. Oh sure my Aunt and Uncle were cool, but I liked hanging and playing with my cuz!
There was a really cool intricate sandbox outside their apartment, at least neat in those days! We would be out there playing in the sand being all cool. The other kids had nothing on us.
Don't remember exactly when, but a year or two later they were living with us while their house was being built. So I may have lost touch with one friend, but I had my cousin to play with now. Our schemes were fun and outrageous! Though our Grandmother always managed to appear if they were to dangerous or got out of hand. Years later at a combined Christmas, our parents were shocked as my cousin and I reminisced about those days.
When they had moved into their new house. I once more got more involved with the neighborhood kids. I never cut off contact completely. In fact the family of the third party mentioned above was often included in fun and games with my cousin and I.
Skipping ahead a bit to today. I walk by that old neighborhood often. I look at the old house. Much is different and much still the same. It feels sheltered from the hustle of the City just a short distance from its borders. Safe and naive of things to come.
In Junior High I was in Washington State. There was a teacher Mr. Moore by name. I had a good relationship with him. Now while I didn't feel like wrestling was my sport I asked if I could be the Assistance Manger. He always had a student as such.
This meant I cleaned the mats before practice and during if any nasty "incidents" occurred. I also had keys to the gym and other areas of the school. A great responsibility. On top of this, to prevent the Wrestlers from poking and making fun of me. He made it clear If I said extra laps, they ran extra laps. I might mention laps meant around the outside, than inside, and up and down the stairs of the school. I never had to use such authority.
I also recorded the matches so the wrestlers could learn from them. And I did this throughout the Wrestling season. I guess I just didn't want to be at my Foster Home. Though they made me clean the huge pile of greasy dishes anyways when I got home. My homework suffered while their daughter talked on the phone continuously all night.
By the end of the Wrestling season at the Pizza party Coach Moore called my name. He told the parents and other school staff there. This is Corey, he's been cleaning our mats of also sorts of "Nasty" things as well as recording our matches and other services. I promised myself I would not let another Assistance Manager go unrewarded for such hard work. He handed me a School letter and Wrestling Pin in which there was much applause and cheering. Including from the Varsity.
I was the first to receive a School Letter from my Junior High for Cleaning Mats lol. Though I don't think there was person in that room or at that school who thought it was not deserved. Mr. Moore later approached me and said that thanks to my good recordings, which at first I struggled to do, many wrestlers were able to improve their skills. That made me feel really good that I was able to help them in that way.
By the time I was fifteen I was back in Utah. Living with a Aunt and Uncle and Seven Cousins. I made eight. Talk about a full house.
The twins were only a year older than I was. I shared a room with them and I had always gotten along with them. Growing up we had come up with many adventures and in our teenage years this did not change.
Our adventures in our High School years were elaborate childhood games. Playing tag at night in parks. There was one with large wood structures in shapes like volcanoes and rocket ships connected by bridges. Don't touch the ground or your Automatically it! The variations we came up with were imaginative and fun.
Another favorite past time we got into was Laser Tag! We would head into down town Provo to CYBORG ASSULT! After a couple matches we would practically be out of money but satisfied.
We shared however a common love of the arts though each of us expressed it differently. One was good in Drawing, the other music, I loved to write. What we really come together on was our love of gaming. We always wanted to develop our own game. These years however to me seemed safe and sheltered.
Sitting here and looking back certain things have hit me. I have not had many empowering figures or role models in my life. I seem to judge future friends and mentors on those who have impacted my psyche the most.
Some of those past relationships now sit on tedious or rocky ground. Both sides at fault. How do we talk? How do we break a tradition of silence in a family that refuses speak on such matters? I don't wish to let things slide and have them gnaw at us. I wish to put them behind us for good.
Other relationships are gone. Faded into my past. While others only time will tell where they will take me. This has been a telling but brief look into the Relationships of Visibly Me Maxine Marie.