My mother hollered through the house as I was laying in bed that we needed to go to the store. I crawled out of it and went into her room to find her hacking and slashing at things in her game on her computer. I knew I had time.
I took my time in the shower turning the heat up to ease the aches in my back. My muscles there for some reason keep being pulled and become stiff all through the day sometimes multiple days in a row. Hot water sometimes helps and stops the stiffness from settling in. I also did the usual feminine routine to make sure I was presentable. No girl wants furry legs.
As I waited for my hair to finish drying and the fog on the mirror to clear. I checked my Facebook. One of the few mediums I have to keep in contact with friends and the local GLBTQ Community. A couple of friends were heading to the Festival of Colors. Damn I wanted to go to that. It sneaked up on me again! Oh well next year I suppose.
I headed back into the bathroom and started doing my makeup. I can never decide on what Eye-Shadow to use. Only a few shades I have moderately go with my eye color. Finally satisfied I finished applying the rest and went into my mothers room to ask a question.
I needed socks. Some thin ones, paper thin to be exact. She looked around and handed me a pair. They would do. I needed them for my healed boots. As if I wasn't tall enough already! It was also a mistake to put them on that early.
My mother wanted to clean up the house by getting rid of all the trash that had accumulated. Spring is here after all and Spring cleaning had begun. I made multiple trips to the dumpster across from our apartment. In those healed boots. By the time we were done and ready to head out my feet and ankles ached. The first person to say I have no stamina for heals gets my heal kicked in their nether region!
I heaved a sigh of relief as I sat down in the car and we headed off to the store. The employee's at the Orem Harmons were familiar with us. From the cheese guy and gall, the butchers, the bread cutters, down to many of the cashiers. We were valued customers and always recognized us when we came in. Yesterday was no different.
I got a few double glances but the same smiles I always did from them. However the other customers were a different story. Most didn't even think twice about me when they saw me! If they did double takes I could tell they were looking at my height due to those boots. I was just another average Jane in the grocery store.
We went to Costco after Harmons. Things there were a little different. I got a few strange looks, but it was not anything I couldn't put up with. I have put up with strange looks before in SLC. Most in the crowds of Costco are intent on grabbing and snatching they're bulks and rushing to get a place in line so they can get the heck out of that mob.
As we got home and were carrying the groceries in our next door neighbor saw me. I don't know what he was thinking. I know this was inevitable I am me and going to be me for a lifetime. And I stayed me all day Yesterday. I even went on my walk last night as me.
On my walk a couple funny things happened. I had just left and was at the first light to cross University Prkwy. A group of young adults around my age came and waiting for the light with me. A few kept looking at me. I noticed they were trying to figure me out. Shortly after on another street somebody stopped and asked if they I wanted a ride. This street isn't exactly the place cars should stop to do that. I shook my head and the driver moved on.
I don't need a Real Life Test. I've already passed. I can pass for people pass me by. I have the confidence to be me. I am now and forever Visibly Me Maxine Marie!
It's a pretty special thing to have a feeling like that, isn't it? :) Congratulations. I'm glad you were able to have such a powerful and fulfilling day. No doubt there will soon be many more, girl.
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